Iqiyi has both Android and iPhone app available. You can not only find Mainland Chinese movies but also Hong Kong (Cantonese movies) movies and Taiwan movies there. offers various full-length and copyrighted contents including full movies, TV shows, animation, documentaries, musics…etc. is owned by Baidu, the largest Chinese search engine company. And besides it offers 7 day money back guarantee, so you can try out the service and get refund if you do If you’re not delighted with it. The monthly fee is only $2.49 for one year package. I recommend you use PandaVPN, it can unblock all Chinese video sites and allow you to watch all Chinese movies smoothly on computer and mobile devices including Android and iOS and the speed is very good. The best way to resolve this problem is to use a VPN service with a server in China. If you live outside of mainland China,when you watch these movies it will show “Sorry, this video is not available in your region due to copyright limitations” or “很抱歉,由于版权原因暂无法播放” in Chinese language. Please note that most movie websites are only available with IP from China.